![]() ![]() i came across some songs that catches my heart i was surfing the youtube watching video of suju then i saw them dueting witn snsd so there was two songs that i was 'wow' by the 1st one was 'way back into love' sang be khuyun, donghae, teoyon and jessica nice man espeacially when kyunyun and teoyon duet... 2nd ond was falling slowly sang by sungmin and sunny...beutiful... the softer side of them...never knew... i noe ppl will say this are all old songs but when the original artist sing may not be as nice then i came across video on suju 2nd album they were doing this relay talk where each members have to talk bout the next one on line... leeteuk was talking bout ryeowook dongsaeng and how they grew from stranger to who they are now...they treat each other like biological hyung and dongsaeng.... then ryeowook suppose to say something bout khyuyun but he did mention the same thing bout leeteuk being his biological hyung...and i realize that they the two of them(leeteuk and ryeowook)really meant what they say...the weren't scared to show off their softer side they are very emotional guys...just like me i think bcoz of that, thats why when the 1st time i saw there shows im into leeteuk and ryeowook onli...not in the gay way though...-_-!!! so i went to search more on ryeowook and found a prank video of suju it was a set up scene by khyuyun to make everyone cry so he said something about breaking up then ryeowook started to cried very badly..others was onli tears down their cheeks then sungmin and leeteuk hyung went to him to consult him... he is a very soft guy,emotional and he not afraid of that...yes he is enotionally weak but he is brave enough to admit it and show his real self which many guys cunt... salute to my dearest suju ryeowook hyung may you succed... btw suju might be breaking up due to a conflict on their salaries...sad sad sad...
so finally get to blog so many thinngs happening and so much to say i just dunt feel like doing anything rite now espeacially with cousin not that i hate him or what but it's just that he kept talking about NS i mean when one book out from NS leaves everything there dunt always talk bout it his topic is always NS stuff and he always say "you dunt know cos u havent been to NS" i mean if u noe that,then dunt talk bout it rite??? then on friday it was so awkward i didnt say a single word or discuss bout anything i just played with my hp and hiid's PSP while they all chitchat then i've been going to town for the whole week so often that i get bored of it then another topic pop out it's bout dayah,ninie,apul & apheas.... what!!!!like they care bout us ninie har!!!she always the spoilt one the troubled one and she called me nonsense dayah worst then ever, never kept her words always 'bubble' us...pang seh... apul not much just listen to ninie onli...they and their 'B....' irritating bear...haiz...i waited 2yrs for my blog but in the end.... he igive me the impression that he is te kinda people that forget his friends i cunt confirm that cos i am not him i just cunt wait for everything to go as plan i plan to stay in singapore for 5years and save up enough to work overseas then after that i just forget bout all this things and people yesterday went out with the clique was a change of fresh air just that haz wasn't there coz of work we watch the chipmunk...SO CUTE!!!!!! avatar was awesome man best movie of the year i'll say...
so i got msg from cousin and thought that there will be no plan on sat for the 1st time but then he wanted to visit arief @ AH and then went out so we met and it was raining we are cousin until that what we wore are the same but something started to change we like lost the same interest ever since he enter NS we dunt have the common topic nowadays luckily arief joined us if not...haiz.... i felt so awkward wit cousin nowadays but dunt know why now im abit in peace no more project and no more presentation i've told my mum bout me retaining and she was ok wit it as long as i graduate then the worst happen i think i got i sign of acute myocardial infarction layman heart attack but i didnt tell anyone except fatin,alvin,arief and cousin theres this super sharp pain in the heart rush up my aorta and radiated to the back the abit breathless and when i took a deep breath, it hurts like shit man
ya so yesterday we went out to enjoy me, fatin and alvin dongsae we wanted to play lan game for 10hrs but that is only for internet not L4D and so fatin finally lost her vagin of L4D2...lol... one thing about going out with fatin is that dunt trust her when it comes to meeting time she will never be on time we then we to look for peace centre omg!!!so far man cunt believe that no one can read the sign next to peace centre then we ate macdonald luckily it was cheap if not... play and play and play then wanted to play pool so decided to go dhoby ghout to check out but in the end we got to find out that it was wayyy expensive man so we have to follow fatin to ochard centre to shop at cotton onn guess what???alvin cunt say "finder keeper loser weeper" properly lol.... 'actury' fatin cunt pronounce actually...lol... and for me...well...i mispronounce fabric to 'fibric'...lol... maybe because of all the korean show i've watch their bad english is really...well...kinda affecting me...lol... but i just love watching super junior...so cool man...lol...papo!!!!lol...
so yesterday was supposed to be our outing to marina barrage but thanks to someone our plan had to cancel i mass msg the day before to everyone so if anyone wanna back out just do it then not last min so around 11am that very morning hiid msg me saying that he and faz cunt make it coz studying like WTF lah...my mum alrd cook so much for me to bring and in the end wasted so frustrated man so we had a change of plan to go bugis sincehamli wanna get something there then we meet farhan and went shisha then lan had tis plan to irritate dayah but the plan back fired basically i had enough of them and they freaking attitude im simply just dissapointed because they just totally forget the vow we made then today i went to arief house to finish my project i was put to collade the survey alone but i managed to finish it but i didnt sent cos i didnt have hidayah email and skandar is any help at all tml is the presentation and i cunt open the ppt slide well wat to do when u got this ppl as ur group mate
today i cried... in my dream tat is so i wake up early this morning to pray and had an hr till i have to get ready for school so i sleep and start to dream in my dream i found an mp3 and had a name printed on it then i felt this ache in the heart like she is part of me in my dream there was a guy that was following me he was watching out for me w/o me knowing then i continue walking aimlessly until i reach my grandparent old house there i saw her...her laughter...her beauty... she is like an angel coming out of the light i ran towards her but the faster i ran the further she get until the point where she dissapered just like that my heart ache and started crying it felt so real that it woke me up and tears roll down my cheeks today viva vosay was okay and managed to answer all the qns then i was assign to handle the survey form so stressed...so many things to do then i have plan for tml outing and wk13 outing to ubin yesterday me and alvin went to simlim to check the laptop and learnt new things bout computer my dream computer cost $2300 with touchsreen LCD player we went shisha after that so fun!!!! we blow smoke into bubbles and make a smoky bubble... then i was super hungry and decided to go home to eat when i reach home...ARGH!!!!! THERE WAS NOTHING ELSE LEFT FOR ME TO EAT... and now im feeling hungry again...
life is so boring and dull how i wish it can just be like my dream just the way i like it today sub msg me asking whether im in amk or not so i wonder y then she told me that she left her shoe bag in the bus and wanna me to retrieve it back but too bad i dunt have school today so just stayed home arief asked me what is my nursing pants size coz he wanna borrow oh ya...he burn alot of his clothing already lol... he just cunt handle the iron lol... so i came to amk to play L4D while waiting for him then we finally finish playing the last campaign without hiid the last time we played with him we didnt even survive the 1st round so i wonder is it he not gd or we werent focus and came to conclude that he not good lol... then we ate at yusof shop or also known as hardy mirza's shop we felt so weird ordering plain dish mee soto and mee rebus without vegetable a.k.a mee baby the hawker is a bit weird cos at time he joke around with us but at time he act like dunt know us the managed to chat about our memories of working in IMH just missed those fun guys(my patients) awwww...
this is so stupid just hate watching singapore idols so obvious that sezairi and sylvia going through none of them deserve to go to the final man yes they can sing but none improve and prove to be the next idol but what is obvious is that the organizer want slyvia to win this and thanks to singapore idiol that i have nothing to watch tonight so boring IDIOTS!!!!!
ya so i start to blog again thanks to jamal... he help me with my blog everything... just cunt wait for bear anymore... so yesterday my group managed to finish our socio project at last... meet jamal @ mcdonald and decided to lepak... msg the others but they jus have excuses... hate when tat happen... not again with the 'bubbling'...who else but dayah... thats y now when we guys wanna go somewhere,we just cunt be bother with them... bear will always follow ninie and dayah... we are trying to avoid them... just cunt take it anymore... when we're out i expect everyone to join in the fun too but this.... this is BULLSHIT!!!!man... todae miracle happen... after 2 long years w/o wireless,todae it happen...so happy... |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() profile i wanna go to korea wish to live life like a drama hopefully my dream can come true there is nothing else i wanna do Facebook / CRC awareness / CRC facebook tagboard links archvies By post:
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Dreamer / Daeng syarif jus call me "DS" Nursing is the game |