well atleast yesterday i managed to get some sleep but still got woken up by some weird noises so tired but cunt get to sleep and tml we have gym session 8hrs....OMG!!!forget to ask arief along... nvm...next time...maybe.... today was fun... went out with family to eat at down town east my bro treating cos mum bdae just pass on the 26th jan.... my whole family+my bro's girlfriend+my aunt and little cousin my little cousin only close to me and only listen to me... lol,,,dunt know why...but kinda nice at 1st it was kinda weird cos everyone has a partner except for me so just act as the cool guy in the family...lol... and OMFG!!!1i drop my phone trice i think.... then we went to play bowling...lol... i thought my little cousin how to bowl and after so long of not play forgot how much my fingers hurts... 1st game i got second from the top but the 2nd game i got second from the bottom...lol... then i took my cousin play the simulation ride it was quite fun and its giving me a headache man... my head still hurts... then went to visit my aunt's husband mother basically her mother-in-law... at CGH...ward 18.... then we lie our way through to go up... lol...stupid crowd control.... and now i cunt sleep... but at least i didn't have any dream last night but images just appeared in my thought so often when i close my eyes... HAIZ.........
today was soooooo tiring..... only managed to get to sleep @ 12 noon after spongebob cunt sleep the whole night not the first time niwae ever time i cunt sleep well,that morning i'll have a dream the 1st time i dream that i got engaged to a friend but the image of my fiance changed to someone else who happen to another friend of mine.... the 2nd night i dream that i stole money and laptop from a friend of mine and when he ask for it back,hiid and zul was there as my accomplice and help me escape from him then just now i got a dream of being chased and im literally panting and cunt sleep got woken by some weird noises the whole night then when i managed to get some sleep at noon my mum woke me up before 2pm... ANIYO....why disturb me....thought of ignoring her but then cousin msg me whether wanna go out or not that is another weird things that is happening one whole month of not contacting each other on thursday i meet hiid on friday i meet arief and on friday night i meet hiid and jamal then finally on sat i meet with ham, bear and cousin its like slowly everyone i returning into my life... lol...so weird... hope that today is can managed to get @least 8hrs of sleep and no more dreams... so tired felt like collapsing... nowaday dunt have appetite to eat too one meals a day... its kinda not good for me my fingers are feeling numb at time and feeling lethargic so frequent today i only had dinner and yesterday i only had lunch no no no no no......must changed my diet for my sake!!!!! and after soooo long i finally meet two lady who i haven't seen nana berok and mel they say my appearance have changed luckily managed to get abit of sleep when out with them then otw back hm in the train we play "doors closing"tik x11 we laugh so much that the person infront of us laugh too
ya so yesterday went out wit haz and fatin we went to shisha milk flavour kinda nice played monopoly...kinda fun too so we chat bout pt then the topic of relationship came out its like dejavu it use to be bout ninie and apul but now its bout ain and tat guy forget bout fwen when attach alrd my mum so irritating she keep asking me to acknowledge her everyday then my bro now very smart never knew he actually use that brain of his he kept my lappy in his room and lock the door so tat i cunt take but now its time for revenge he not gonna get my lappy nimore
so what have i been up to...hmmm... so we went out to mustafa centre me dongsaeng and fatin like always they were late...-_-!!!! and so much for meeting at little india... it suppose to be at ferrer park oh ya...before i went to meet them i actually wanted to get out before anyone return then my mum reach hm before i could go she ask me am i going out and so i say 'em' and she said that im being rude!!!!! WTH rite...she say why nowaday she ask me one thing i answer one thing???? then we went to meet sub and her fwen calista so went shishaing and its her fwen 1st time on the way back hm she suddenly say she giddy and cunt see so we took her tho the nearest toilet everyone thought that she was drunk... so funny...she thought that that was the side effects of shishaing so sub and her cab hm...lol... then yesterday my grp meet at tampines starbucks to finish our final report like always side track... then we went to eat popeye...yummmy!!!!! i didn't wanna go hm tat early so agreed to follow is meet his fwen dylan was into k-pop not like me im just fascinated by k-pop...lol... so we went to ikea-courts and giant...wow... and every building we went is buy something from there...-_-!!!! ikea-trow and hand towel courts-lcd monitor giant-cigarette then his mum suppose to pick him up but inthe end she didn't receive his msg....lol... then i meet zul at tampines int going hm also so im lazy to queue i cut queue by joining zul...lol... then we catch up on the old time when i reach hm my irritating bro like always will ask for my lappy then out of frustration i scolded him "lappy lappy lappy...tats all you now...dunt now i just come back is it...get out!!!!" lol...sever him rite...havent even finish paying me back... he stupid or what???cunt see i didnt carry anything in my hand rite cos i hide it in the room...lol... then i cook meggie to eat its bee hoon and i add chiken in it... so i need to boil the chiken way before hand b4 i add the noodle cos bee hoon cook very fast then my irritating dad will always disturb me... "ur noodle is cooked...go and check" then i say"i noe" his reason was that there was smell already then everytime my mum cook got smell how??? cooked????no rite....
today was our final presentation nvr thought that we make it but ya tang was impressed by us and even encourage us to bring up to next lvl collaborate with HPB mike pay me up and treat us lunch and i bought my binie...lol... now all i have to do is aces my socio im now lock in my room in the dark blogging i remembered what dongsaeng ask me just now it makes me reflect alot if only its like in the drama im switch in the hospital and my biological parent coming to take me away would't it be gd...i think... im coughing non stop man...hate it whats the point of having a dad who doesn't care two brothers who only care for themselves and a mum who only care when she can im always in my own world at hm cos have no one to talk to im hiding my laptop from my bro cos the last time they use,my lp was covered with ashes then just now i have prob opening to the window dunt now what they do this time... when i came hm today everyone was looking at me in the weird way just cunt wait to get out of here im disappointed that i dunt think i can keep my promise my promise to take care of my parent when i old enough i dunt know why i keep get angrier each day angry at who???i dunt know... im just CONFUSED!!!!!! confused confused confused!!!!! just wanna be alone rite now... away from them....
im so fed up with my brothers one will do niting just to get online and god knows what he'll do the other one just isn't thinking properly sometime i think that i dunt even belong in this family we dunt look alike and our behavior are way out in term of thinking im way better than them i have actually said to my mum that mayb,mayb i got mix up in the hospital or something sometime what my mum do just hurts i have the habit of asking her what is she cooking for tml at time she will say im cooking this bcos ur brother dont eat that he nvr mention bout me before nvr in my life i heard mum ever said im cooking this instead cos i noe u dunt eat that she nvr realised anything bout my feeling but pay attention only on my bros i remember when i was a kid i had to get tuition from my fierce aunt while my bros got to go tuition at other tutor hs i was mentally torture that the thought of it make me cry every time its time for tuition i'll just kept quite until my aunt came and cried through out the tuition time but as for my bro,they will always have that smile on their face after tuition they will nvr noe the meaning of emotional trauma mum and dad have been pampering them since young everything i did was wrong but everything they did was right i remembered all the trouble my brother caused but nothing happen to him for me,jus saying back and i'll get a lecture dad nvr love me as much as them all he do is complain to my mum bout how i treat him since young i've been living my life w/o dad and sibling although they are there but they were nvr there for me when i need it mum was there at time only i crying rite now while blogging cos it hurts to know that from young im not love i learn to depend on my self and i think tats why i am who i am rite now I JUST HATE EVERYTHING!!!!!!! HATE!!!!!!HATE!!!!!HATE!!!! even if i die they dunt care... since when they care... all i heard form mum was 'we care' ya...whats the point of saying but not doing it... i think that why im closer to others than my own family...
sat with dongsaeng was great man we became like a real dj he handle the norms songs and i handle those clubbing songs and korean..lol... but sadly none our friends came.... we nvr eat the free food provided for us but instead we ate MC to to donsaeng my comp is way better now... i remember saying that our strength is our weakness and our weakness is our strength i think im just lonely and bored but im @ peace when im lonely and dunt even noe why... i think im use to being alone with my music... when im alone i need to listen to music it take my worries away and keep my mind at ease i had wee's class just now and we were doing on marriage we were told to discussed bout the qns given.... QNS: -would you live with your in-laws? -division of labour @ hm? -children? -who discipline the kids? -breadwinner? -relationship with the in-laws? -leisure spend? after much thought i dunt think i would like to get married or mayb.... of course every including me have an idle marriage just that i dunt think i can handle it well im watching lots of Taiwanese and korean movies nowaday and in one show i learn something bout love its not easy to fall in love but its easy to make mistake in love the lead man remind me of myself girls come to us with false hope but our intention is simply just being nice and friendly not the hurt anyone but in the end someone or ourselves got hurt in the storm -_-!!!!- -!!!:(
yesterday was super 'mendak'(bored) the year 1 ppl all very the enthusiatic like WOW!!!! we just have to briefly explain what it is all bout and just slack at the DJ booth fine i admit that i make lots of new friends with the yr 1 and alot of lecturer...lol... until they see me too much and say"ekh!!!u again"-_-!!!! so is was late as usual and my dongsaeng 'bubble me but despite that everything goes as plan then there is this gerl from i dunt noe which sec sch approach me at the dj booth then she ask me"excuse me, are u malay???" me:"yes" she:"oh!!!abg,abg amik course DJ ekh???"(bro u taking DJ course??) me:"no no no" she"abg nk minta lagu leh???"(bro can dedicate song???) me:"kalau nk lagu minta mamat tu"(if u want u ask that guy) she went to is and said she:"bang ada lagu apa???tekno ada tk???(bro got what song???techno got???) is:"sorry dunt have" lol seh....then all my ballo was gone...finished by the yr 1... i was force to make for almost all the gerls there flower... so tired until fall asleep...then when i woke up i felt like gonna fall sick my throat hurts man...and feverish... today i felt way better just that i lost my voice today all the djs came...me,is,alvin and arief the others didnt even turn up man... so much for lets go for open hs... today all my yr 1 all crazy...haywire already espeacially @ nite... since there is no one we blast the music and open dance floor...lol... then aaron video us dancing and me pole dancing...lol... jus for fun onli... niwae i've been seeing my hot mama so often this day yesterday meet her then when she going off i said 'saramge hamnida' then today saw her again...lol....then she told about our drinking experience... then just noe the yr 1 ppl celebrated one of their friend birthday so they had cake...then i heard them saying..."ekh we should cut for the 'abg dj'" lol...then one of them approach us and offer the cake by calling us 'abg' dj' it was tiring but worth it man...tml will be something new cos no is and onli be me and donsaeng
finally everything goes as plan tml is our open hs and feeling so nervous and worried everything is not up yet and my board is still empty finally dunt have to worry bout FYP anymore just need to promote the websites and facebook ppl pls support us @ web.we.com and my facebook acc@ daeng.hyung@gmail.com everything will be up by next week niwae i highlighted my hair for $35 wonder if tat is cheap???? now i need to keep my hair long cos my personal hairstylist say so oh ya todae dongsaeng followed me to get portable modenm my brother ask to use my name but he paying for it... the man @ the starhub shop didn't believe that i was 21 this year... lol...i think he think that im younger... suhaila lend me boyz over flower season 1 i wonder if it is any good???hmmm.... oh and she gonna lend me eng-korea dictionary so that i can learn my basic...lol... she taught me quite alot just that i cunt remember everything...lol... STM me....-_-!!!!!
so happy new year to everyone out there but what so good bout another year passing by last year i was lost at vivo city trying to find my way out to sentosa through the crowd the siloso beach party was so boring the songs there sucks man the onli gd song was ladygaga bad romance i was so in delima who should i go with cousin they all or dongsaeng they all??? but i was having heavy hearts bout going with both behind this smile and laughter ppl dunt know how i feel they just dunt listen...its just them thats the way they are i guesse but what can i do rite...blogging is the onli way im just like a contain filled to the brim bout to explode todae i pray to allah for an answer but i dbout that he will reply coz i hasn't been praying for sometime i cried in my heart todae...twice.... im just so confused i noe that i've been mentioning bout me being confused many time in my blog but im just being me and letting out what i dunt wanna keep inside but something meant to be kept,better not to be known my new year resolution is to keep silent and so i did it was awkward but the funny thing is that i'm at peace for the 1st time in my life i did what i want not what ppl wants i just hope ppl dunt get me wrong and ask about just let me be Labels: behind the smile |
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Dreamer / Daeng syarif jus call me "DS" Nursing is the game |