well the day everyone have been waiting for has come everyone in shs 3rd year that is 26th feb marks the day when student become SN but for me and my fellow friends it mark our last paper now i dunt noe weather to work or to stay hm??? all i do is get hooked up with my laptop and restaurant city and so in love with few songs big bang-lies fly to the sky-like a man seungri-strong baby suju-U ss501-because i'm stupid i recommend this songs cos im hooked to them niwae went to meet lec after the paper but she was tooo busy to entertain us she mess up all our schedule and she blame us for being irresponsible WTF!!!!!feel like slapping her no wonder she still single...
this is what happened when you noe so much u dunt know what to believe in what is rite and whats wrong hopefully the plan works i dunt understand why it is always there all the time hate it so much i lost it just noe one more time i heard about it im gonna really F!@# UP man im sick and tired of it soon enough everything around me gonna be quiet planning to hide myself away...
so got to know that someone manage o get hold of my blog and misunderstood what i say but i dunt are cos blog is where i can say what i want w/o feeling awkward yesterday went sentosa with ham suppose to go BPS to meet others but in the end no band so we meet at ct hall instead to play monopoly deal the others are so addicted to it thanks to them i eat too much arghhhhh.... my leg still hurts from running and now we walk alot -_-!!!! later going running again....haiz... i wonder why guys act all weird infront of girls i mean when they saw girls they instantly so active and loud ham say its for 1st impression but for me its so fake rite??? thats why to me guys like tat cunt last long with any girls sad to say but its the truth... i feel awkward going out with them yesterday cos i've been talking to myself all day long luckily ham was there @least we talk alot together if kept quiet then bear ask me whats wrong -_-!!! is it cos we talk diff topic or what??? niwae i feel so bad for 'bubbling' zul again suppose to study with him but in the end i bubble ARGH!!!!! SO SORRY ZUL.... promise to make it up to you....
didnt realised that CNY is here yesterday went to ECP my aunt suggested it start with playing with the sand then got wet all thanks to my little cousin he so cute didn't know that going to the beach was his idea he told my aunt whether his saving is enough to spend only have $6...lol... when we reach ECP he was eating but very the messy...lol... then we had seafood lunch wow.... not only that but i had mutton chop too then me and my aunt we talking bout how nice it would be if we were in bali rite now... and also if my uncle were here to treat us dinner and sent us hm at 1st we were reluctant to call him then my aunt finally did it he was at the casino in sentosa-_-!!! ppl with money really noes how to enjoy my cousin was so cute he imitate all my doing wearing his cap cos no bini for him then walk barefooted cos im barefooted then act like me...lol... and called me hyung so cute...only listen to me not even to his mum... then my uncle treat us seafood dinner too much to eat... i didnt know that farah can eat sooo much man she told me she got high metabolism rate she managed to clean up all the dish plate not even my mum and aunt can wallop that much then everything was reveal in the car so my parent went to buy some food when i get to know that she went clubbing with her parent and even drinks then she say that next time they going clubbing she gonna invite me along...lol...
yesterday was fun went to changi beach for family gathering so we were not supposed to overnight but in the end we did cos the kids all pursuit it so we had a long dai di session loser went out but me and one other cousin just talk bout what we wanna for future then i got to know tat she taking part time diploma dip in business admin never knew that MI offer such course now she taking her 'a' level and dip at the same time cool or what atleast now im not the hope of the family but she is then i teach her to play dai di like a pro how to read cards but abit hard for her she keep asking how i noe who got what cards??? then we play soccer was kinda fun but tiring and sweaty just because my aunt say she going hm at 5am in the morning all my little cousin was like counting down how many more hrs to go then theres bangla or indian ppl fighting so funny small vs big guy than they start slapping all...lol...
today went out with sab ain haz and mabel... too bad dongsaeng didnt follow im the only guy supposed to meet cousin to eat popeye but he is okay with it so tml eating with him i think today ain just confirm that she with khal and haz brought her future boyfwen... and everyone has their idle place to work at overseas and i wonder in future if we remember us???? well they preparing for their thailand trip and we preparing for exam and my headache is getting worst 1st was only left sided but now is the brainstem area then just now while playing monopoly my head was spinning but didnt wanna tell anyone haiz....oh ya...dongsaeng offer me to go korea but with his family...the sad thing is that its during our attachment period.... so looking forward man.... just now me and syahir were talking bout the type of girls our preference lah... what turns me off to the max are girls who like to beat abit only beat ppl...SUPER irritating man... TURN OFF PPL!!!! and just now at bugis...wow....fed up man FREAKING BITCH!!!! U STUPID LOW IQ MINAH!!!!! MOTHER FKER!!! she freaking purposely bang on me... i literally push back... and then when i turn to stare at her but she just walk and just bang around like she owned the street...BITCH!!!! she even bang an old woman...-_-!!!! this ppl can go and die as long as we care.... dunt deserved to be born... hope she got knock down by a rubbish truck... hate MINAH to the core!!!! even the earth core is not deep enough for their freaking ego... u FREAKING FAT ASS WHORE... u should be molested by those india at sentosa countdown cos u are as low as dirt....MINAH + BITCH=BINAH!!!!!!!!!!!! now im satisfied...vent all my anger.... |
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Dreamer / Daeng syarif jus call me "DS" Nursing is the game |